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Data Encryption & Key Management

Data Encryption and Key Management are two critical components of a robust cybersecurity strategy for modern organizations.

Data encryption involves the process of transforming plain text data into an unreadable format using an encryption algorithm. Encrypted data can only be accessed and deciphered by those with the necessary decryption key, making it an effective method for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats.

Key management refers to the processes and tools used to create, distribute, store, rotate, and revoke encryption keys. Effective key management is essential for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of encrypted data. Keys must be kept secure, rotated regularly, and access to keys must be granted only to authorized personnel.

Together, data encryption and key management can help organizations protect their sensitive data, intellectual property, and other valuable assets from cyber threats.

Key highlights of the Data Encryption & Key Management:

  • Employ encryption for sensitive data such as Aadhar, Pan, driving license, ration card, voter id, passport numbers, bank account routing information, etc., ensuring continuous encryption of the data in transit, at rest, and in use.
  • Prioritize encryption of critical assets to maintain data confidentiality, integrity, and availability in the event of a successful perimeter attack by unauthorized parties.
  • Implement file-level encryption to secure structured and unstructured data from unauthorized access and data exfiltration.
  • Enforce strict separation of encrypted data and encryption keys by storing them in different environments and managing them separately to mitigate potential data breaches.
  • Employ data encryption to mitigate ransomware attacks and protect against unauthorized access and data exfiltration by threat actors.

Overall, data encryption and key management are essential elements of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy and must be implemented with care and diligence to ensure maximum protection of sensitive data.